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Solar energy sale – become a pro dealer of systems!

If you wish to be a go-getter in residential solar sales, there are few aspects you need to take care of, independently of whether your tasks combine designer and project manager positions, or not.

1. You simply need to know design rules 

Naturally, it would be useful to have engineering background, however even if you don’t have one – you still can prepare basic designs together with price quote for your customer – there is nothing on the way for you to become that person! In fact, a lot of people from solar industry acquired necessary skills at work.

You just nead to learn thoroughly all design rules and norms. Also, you have to be absolutely up-to-date with the law (e.g. support mechanism or subsidies knowledge).

Our tip:

To create quickly and easily a beautiful module layout, use EasySolar software (components selection, module layout in few clicks and many more). Also, feel free to join our free webinars where you’ll learn how to create projects and financial analysis for your customers:

2. Prepare before every meeting

Even if you are not a born salesperson – don’t worry. Nothing builds trust more than solid knowledge and experience, as well as confidence and visual aids. And don’t forget to smile!

Our tip:

In residential sector what works most is a 3D visualisation on image. You can prepare it really easily in EasySolar app, check: 

What’s more, our blog provides a lot of articles full of sales tips based on our sales reps experience and research (check how to increase your sales).

3. Make good use of site visit

Before the site visit get acknowledged with the site through satellite maps, sketches or pictures sent by your potential customer- pay attention to such details as obstacles that can cause shading and type of roof as well as its state.

Our tip:

Present your customer different scenarios (up to 3) on the tablet using EasySolar app and engage them. Adding and removing virtually modules from ther roof can be fun! 

4. Collaborate with your team effectively

Good commnication is the key- both when it comes to your colleages from work as well as with your customer. Using EasySolar will help you to reduce unnecessary docs and rewriting important data to email your customers.

Our tip:

If you are are in charge of site visit and the project management task is assigned to your colleague, use EasySolar to consult your team about projects, sharing folders with them (or their different scenarios).

5. Always answer quickly to queries

Assume that you are not the only company that your customer chose. They will compare it to other companies. And the key here is to react quickly and professionally.

Our tip:

Focus on PV system price and return on investment. Also, aeasthetics will be critical in residential sector! You lack time? Save up even few hours creating proposals via EasySolar. Download it on favourite device or use online: