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Report: The progressive increase of the photovoltaic micro-installation market after a rapid decline in April.

The progressive increase of the photovoltaic micro-installation market after a rapid decline in April.


The number of sales offers created for customers interested in photovoltaic micro installations in April decreased by about 50% compared to the period before the pandemic. The photovoltaic installation market, characterized by fast growth dynamics, resulting from attractive support conditions at the investment and operational stages, “receded” virtually two quarters, shrinking by 50%. The decline did not last long, and already in May, the market is starting to grow even faster, concluding by the number of offers generated in the EasySolar app.

The following report presents the number of queries to our server that users generate when designing or valuing PV installations in our software. It means, therefore, that the presented data reflect trends in the change of the number of serviced customers interested in photovoltaic systems. The data come from both Europe and worldwide markets. However, it can be concluded that as a result of the global epidemic, the situation was similar in all global markets where EasySolar customers come from.

The chart below presents the activities of users in the EasySolar app since the beginning of 2020, broken down by weeks.

Graph of activity of users of EasySolar app for the design and sale of solar systems

The biggest crisis was recorded in the first week of April when the company’s sales activity decreased by 48% compared to the peak in mid-February.

Graph of activity of users of EasySolar app for the design and sale of solar systems

Graph of activity of users of EasySolar app for the design and sale of solar systems

In recent weeks, however, a high upward trend can be observed again. The market immediately returned to its peak from before the crisis, what is more, we have recorded another record move of software users in recent days. 

The chart below presents the described above upward trend in user activity in the EasySolar application over the past weeks, broken down by days:

Graph of activity of users of EasySolar app for the design and sale of solar systems

The peak week in 2020 was in early May, when user traffic exceeded the peak moment of mid-February this year by over 8.9%.

Graph of activity of users of EasySolar app for the design and sale of solar systems

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